
My Ab workout!

Hey guys. One of the biggest questions i get daily is "what is my ab routine?" well i finally decided to share it with you guys! Here is my custom Xtreme Abs Workout!

"what separates your ab routine from others?"
- A lot of ab routines out there focus more on the hip flexors and not so much on the actual abs. Also a lot of ab routines may strengthen your core but my routine will help strengthen them while doing so in a circuit and my routine also addresses how to train the transverse abdominis which is the ab muscles that help you keep your stomach tight and tucked in and not protruding or giving you a distended stomach look- like some of the body builders these days have, instead my routine will give you that nice lean defined and skinny waist type look, which is what we all want :)

"Awesome! so if i do this routine i can finally get those perfect sculpted abs?"
- the way your abs look is genetics and nutrition- thats just the way it is. For example i am only capable of a 4 pack because of my genetic structure. But my ab routine targets the entire core so you can end up with the best ab development that your body is capable of.

"You mention nutrition, thats probably important too."
- YEP! certainly is! Abs are made in the kitchen. So if you don't have your nutrition set up right now i can help you with that too! just click here for a custom meal plan!

"Alright this sounds great! how much is your routine?"
- My routine is a one time payment of $30.00

"$30 seems like a pretty good price!"
- yea but heres another kicker, once you purchase it then you also get free email coaching along with it so anytime you have questions you can email me them and i will always answer them ;)

"wow thats awesome!"
- Sure is! here is where you can get my custom ab routine! everything goes right through paypal. let me know what you guys think :D