
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

should you avoid eating at night?

This is a topic that is very controversial, and gets discussed a lot, so many people think that there is a certain time every day that if you eat, the food gets stored as fat well im here to tell

you that is not even close to being true!

During my 30 days of Asylum in May 2011 i was taking night cla

sses at college from 6:30-9:30, and when i got home from class i would eat dinner which would usually be at 10pm and then i would be in bed at 11:30-12:00 every night, now lets look at the results, in those 30 days i dropped 2 pounds (not even trying to loose weight) and i went from 5.5% body fat to 4.5%. so you tell me did i gain fat since i broke the two stupid rules of not eating 3 hours before bed and eating after 8 o clock. no i actually got leaner, and i did it all by going to bed with a full stomach ;)

I'm not saying you can eat ice cream, and nachos before bed though ha ha, Now lets discuss how i didn't gain fat by eating that late at night. when you eat late it's all about avoiding carbs (mainly grains), stick with protein and fats and you will keep lean. during my 30 days of asylum i stuck with a meat 4-8oz, 1/4 avocado and a lot of veggies and yes veggies are carbs but seriously have you ever heard of anyone getting fat over eating too many veggies? eat your veggies people!!!! ;), and i usually topped it with salsa or hot sauce. all i did was avoid carbs (grains) at night, but i ate a ton of food. lets take a look at why this works.

When you eat carbs, lets say for instance rice, after you eat that rice, those carbs will either be used to replenish your glycogen, used as energy or stored as fat and your muscles can only store a certain amount of glycogen. so lets say i ate rice late at night, then i went to bed soon after, chances are im going to gain some fat because those carbs are not being used. now yes theres a scientific definition of what happens when you eat carbs but im hear to explain it in laymans terms. below is a picture of one of my meals i had at night on those 30 days of Asylum. it was 2 salmon fillets, 1/4 avocado, and vegetables and salsa.

Now that i have explained why you can eat before bed if you just avoid carbs, i hope you can forget all that nonsense that you were taught about not eating after a certain time at night.

Here are some awesome snacks before bed to keep you anabolic (building muscle) and not catabolic (loosing muscle) at night.

1. cottage cheese

2. almonds

3. whey protein

4. shakeology (Click here to learn more about that ;)

5. vegetables

6. berries (yes they have carbs but not a lot)

7. beef jerky

8. mixed nuts

9. Greek yogurt (no extra sugar added)

Also i would love for your support, if you haven't subscribed to this blog yet, i would really appreciate it if you would thanks so much! also feel free to add me on Facebook, here is the link to my profile, or email me if you have any questions at

peace, Fausey ;)

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