
Thursday, July 28, 2011

should you do doubles?

Theres a great number of people that are finally jumping on the road to health and fitness, and tons are getting great results, and changing there lives! i am so happy to see the determination people have, it really is an inspiring thing and it helps push me to the next level. and to keep getting better.

now with all that being said i see so many people posting on Facebook that they are doing doubles, which means they would do two workouts a day, and im not counting abs, i actually mean 2 hour long workouts. all i have to say is why??? i see someone posting that they just did Max Interval Circuit then later in the same day i see they did Shoulders and Arms from P90X! that is just insane and not the good type of insane. or the people i see doing yoga then later they are doing an intense routine! if you look at the people who have the best results from these workout programs you will notice one thing, they didn't do doubles! and that includes myself i have never done doubles, i workout 1 hour to one and a half hours a day, sometimes a bit more. but i never workout more than 2 hours thats just wrong for one, whats the point of working out all the time if you never get out to show your results! and also put your fitness to the test in the real world! one thing i love doing besides workout out is climbing trees, it really shows me my true strength and what i have achieved by using these programs. get out in the world and use your fitness people it's called functional life fitness, and thats the type of fitness you should be working towards!

now let me explain why doubles do no good. first off you think the more you workout the stronger your gonna get right? Wrong your body only grows during recovery that is why it's so important to have recovery/ yoga days. second factor is your in this for the long term, that means if you do doubles and hurt yourself your not gonna be able to workout as hard and your gonna get weaker. your way better off with avoiding doubles so you work the body but then give it enough time to recover. what i'm trying to say is an hour a day is all you need anymore is just over kill. even the top trainers say no! to doubles, tony has stated in an interview that "doing doubles is just dumb, your eventually gonna get tired of doing them, you should look forward to working out, and thats not gonna be possible to keep if you continue doubles." and Shaun T says doing doubles is just an injury waiting to happen! another thing about doing doubles, you shouldn't be able to do doubles! if you can do doubles you are not pushing hard enough in the first workout! i see some people posting they are doing asylum workouts on the same day as a p90x workout! that means that you are not pushing hard enough! if you do an asylum workout that should be the only workout you need to do that day.

now since i have explained why doing doubles is not good for you. i hope you realize it and decide to just bring it hard for only one workout a day, remember as Tony Says "it's about getting results! not getting Hurt!"

what do you guys think of doing double? do you do doubles or do you avoid them?

also are you on my team if not why? it's free! click here to join my team! when you join you will receive special tips and tricks that only my teammates get access to ;)

Peace, Fausey

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

should you avoid eating at night?

This is a topic that is very controversial, and gets discussed a lot, so many people think that there is a certain time every day that if you eat, the food gets stored as fat well im here to tell

you that is not even close to being true!

During my 30 days of Asylum in May 2011 i was taking night cla

sses at college from 6:30-9:30, and when i got home from class i would eat dinner which would usually be at 10pm and then i would be in bed at 11:30-12:00 every night, now lets look at the results, in those 30 days i dropped 2 pounds (not even trying to loose weight) and i went from 5.5% body fat to 4.5%. so you tell me did i gain fat since i broke the two stupid rules of not eating 3 hours before bed and eating after 8 o clock. no i actually got leaner, and i did it all by going to bed with a full stomach ;)

I'm not saying you can eat ice cream, and nachos before bed though ha ha, Now lets discuss how i didn't gain fat by eating that late at night. when you eat late it's all about avoiding carbs (mainly grains), stick with protein and fats and you will keep lean. during my 30 days of asylum i stuck with a meat 4-8oz, 1/4 avocado and a lot of veggies and yes veggies are carbs but seriously have you ever heard of anyone getting fat over eating too many veggies? eat your veggies people!!!! ;), and i usually topped it with salsa or hot sauce. all i did was avoid carbs (grains) at night, but i ate a ton of food. lets take a look at why this works.

When you eat carbs, lets say for instance rice, after you eat that rice, those carbs will either be used to replenish your glycogen, used as energy or stored as fat and your muscles can only store a certain amount of glycogen. so lets say i ate rice late at night, then i went to bed soon after, chances are im going to gain some fat because those carbs are not being used. now yes theres a scientific definition of what happens when you eat carbs but im hear to explain it in laymans terms. below is a picture of one of my meals i had at night on those 30 days of Asylum. it was 2 salmon fillets, 1/4 avocado, and vegetables and salsa.

Now that i have explained why you can eat before bed if you just avoid carbs, i hope you can forget all that nonsense that you were taught about not eating after a certain time at night.

Here are some awesome snacks before bed to keep you anabolic (building muscle) and not catabolic (loosing muscle) at night.

1. cottage cheese

2. almonds

3. whey protein

4. shakeology (Click here to learn more about that ;)

5. vegetables

6. berries (yes they have carbs but not a lot)

7. beef jerky

8. mixed nuts

9. Greek yogurt (no extra sugar added)

Also i would love for your support, if you haven't subscribed to this blog yet, i would really appreciate it if you would thanks so much! also feel free to add me on Facebook, here is the link to my profile, or email me if you have any questions at

peace, Fausey ;)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Benefits Of Yoga

I hear all the time; “why do we have to do yoga”, “yoga is boring and to long”, “there’s no calories burnt in yoga, what’s the point?”

Well I’m here to tell you to stop complaining and do the yoga. During my first round of P90X I hated the yoga and I would skip yoga days, and guess what by not doing the yoga my results really suffered, I also got injured during those first 90 days with several knee injuries and I credit that to skipping the yoga. During my second round of the X I added yoga in and from that round to toady I always do yoga once a week, yoga has so many benefits, here are only a few but there are so many more.

1.) Stress and tension reduction2.) Mental clarity and focus3.) A greater sense of purpose, peace, harmony.4.) Increased fitness and muscle tone5.) Improved strength, balance and flexibility6.) Improved posture, alignment and grace7.) Increased lung capacity, breathing quality8.) Improved digestion and circulation9.) Better quality of sleep.10.) Improved Spine Health

If you have ever done yoga then you know that Tony Horton calls it the fountain of youth and for a good reason, yoga helps to keep you and your joint young so you can perform at your best.

During my 30 days of strict Asylum I really missed yoga and i even lost some of my flexibility as soon as the 30 days was over I started yoga back up and then the soreness and fatigue was gone.

I’m not here to tell you that you have to do yoga but i just wanted to list the great many befits of it, and I hope now you will at least give it a chance, if you find yoga boring do it outside and get in touch with the planet and yourself, or do yoga in a dark room for some relaxation I’ve done both and yoga days really are one of my favorite days of the week.

Namaste ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Morning Abs Shredder Routine!

This is a routine that I do on lift days right out of bed before breakfast; it keeps your Abs and Core strong and defined, plus it's a good mix up from Ab Ripper X ;) 330 quality reps total

1. Crunches (20)
2. Oblique Crunches (20 each side)
3. Touch the toes (20 (legs up and reach up and touch the toes)
4. Hanging leg raise (12(hang on a pull u bar and raise your knees to your chest)
5. V-Ups with medicine ball (12-15)
6. Fifer scissors with extension (20(regular scissors but reach back with one hand)
7. Oblique v-ups (20 each side)
8. Row your boat (20(knees out arms pulled back, then knees in and arms out)
9. Low plank oblique knee touches (20)
10. High plank Knee touches and crosses (12 each knee)
11. Rotating Bicycle on butt (20 reps total)
12. Abranome (side to side 90 degree legs, arms out to side 20 reps total)
13. Six point flexor burn (12(hang on pull up bar and bring knees up then extend out then back in and down, then repeat)
14. Medicine ball mason twists (50 regular mason twist with holding a medicine ball)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Want to Get ripped in only 30 days?

Want to Get ripped in only 30 days?

During May of 2011 I participated in the 30 days of the Asylum Challenge and I got totally shredded. On day one I was 130 pounds 5.5% body fat, and then on day 30 I was 128 pounds and 4.5% body fat. For me I just was doing asylum to take my fitness to the next level, I wasn’t even trying to loose weight, but in the process I got extremely ripped. Asylum is defiantly one of my favorite workout programs I have ever done; it literally took me to the next level and not only physically but mentally as well, I am able to push harder than ever before now since doing this program. I am telling you all this because I want you to join me in this elite condition that I am in. the asylum will bring out your inner athlete and your Abs ;) I am more tone than I have ever been thanks to this program. To get Asylum click here on this link and it will take you out to my page then just click on the shop tab and click Asylum. For only 90$ you can be in the best condition of your life. And don’t forget I want to see your before and after because if they are great (and I’m sure they will be) I will submit them in to Beachbody for use in the infomercial now wouldn’t that be cool to be on TV? Is that enough motivation for you? And don’t forget you can workout all you want but if you don’t eat clean you won’t get great results, so follow the diet guide with the program that it comes with and you will become ELITE! My before and after pictures are below. and Click here to View my 30 Day Asylum Transformation Video!