Here are my goals with this hybrid; (13 week program)
1. Maintain current weight
2. Focus on increasing size of Lats, Shoulders, traps, and rear Deltoid
3. Focus on increasing size of quads, and hamstrings
4. Maintain Top Elite Performance
5. Maintain Muscle Endurance
6. Maintain Aesthetic Physique (keeping lean, not getting bulky)

There are some notes tho i am making here tho that are some changes in some of the routines to meet my goals more, ask if you have questions.
1. Not always going to do deadlifts, except Straight leg deadlifts for legs, occasionally i will do them tho because its a good functional exercise.
Reason= i did my first round of beast with the deadlifts and while it is a very functional exercise and a size gainer. I beielve more rest needs to be implemented, deadlifts need a full week split between sessions to allow the lower back to get stronger and so you do not injure youself. The beast schedule has you doing deadlifts twice a week on average which is hard on the lower back without the proper recovery between sessions. So i won't always do deadlifts for back workouts. Legs tho i am keeping the straight leg deadlifts because its a good move for hamstrings.
Substitution with= Weighted Pull Ups (weight in between legs)
Reason for substitution= Goal is added size to lats. weighted pull ups are one of the best exercises for this. these will be done with a slow and controlled negative movement (on the way down).
2. Each resistance workout will be finished with a final drop set of a mass gainer exercise that you just worked. (example: build chest & tris/ with a final set of incline press with heavy weight for 8 reps, then a drop set of another 8, then a 2nd drop set of as many reps till failure.)
This will make sure that i get every last stimulation for muscle growth.
3. You might notice i work abs a lot! reason being is i only train abs a maximum of 10 min at a time, so since i don't train them long, i train them more often- just a personal preference. ab workouts can be your choice, i just included my personal favorites, all ab sessions are done first to allow complete contraction of core unless it is Ab shredder that is a routine i do at the end of the normal routine because i like pushing through that one, and its more of a core routine than abs.

5. You will also notice how Yoga is up to you. I like yoga and do it frequently, but i know many people don't so you can choose to do yoga, stretch, or just rest. All is good, i respect whatever decision you choose ;)
6. For me all workouts during the week will be at 5am or 5:30am each morning. If i don't get it done in the morning it wont get done lol. on saturday if its a cardio routine, i will just knock it out when i wake up. If it is a resistance routine, i have a pretty big breakfast, wait for 1-1 1/2 hours and then workout.
7. you will notice that there is no recovery week, just a transition week. Yep you read that right. The one thing is though that for transition weeks do lighter weights and higher reps, that will keep you moving and help you recovery more efficiently. The transition weeks you don't want to push too hard on, if you usually give a 10 for a workout only give around a 6 for that workout when its in the transition week.

Example Diet (Resistance day)
4:30am- Wake Up: 1 banana (with salt, and cinnamon), 1/2 tsp Suma, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 gram L-Carnitine, green tea
5:30am- Workout
6:30am- Post Workout: .25-1/2 serving Results and Recovery formula, 1/2 scoop whey protein, 1/2 tsp Suma, 1tsp glutamine.
7:00am- Breakfast: 40 grams oats, 1/2 scoop whey, 10 raw almonds 2 cups of mixed berries (i love berries!), 1 cup egg whites (spinach omelet with salsa on top), black coffee, multi vitamin, D3, Super B-Complex, Fish Oil, CLA.
11:30am- Lunch: tuna salad (1 can tuna, as many veggies as i want, 1/4 avocado, 100 grams sweet potato, 1 whole egg (soft boiled)
2:30pm- Snack: 100 grams sweet potato, 4oz chicken breasts, 1 cup broccoli, green tea
5:30pm- Snack: 1 scoop Shakeology, 1/2 scoop whey, 1/2 tsp Suma, 113g of Greek Yogurt, 1 TBSP of Natural Peanut Butter, 6 raw almonds, water, and ice.
7:30pm- Dinner: 6oz of chicken breasts, 1/4 avocado, a giant plate of veggies (as much as i want), Super B-Complex, Fish Oil, CLA, L-Carnitine, Green Tea.
10:00pm- Bed.
Estimated: 2200 calories 220g protein/ 200 grams carbs/ 50 grams fat
Example Diet (Cardio day)
4:30am- Wake Up: 2 Scoops Energy and Endurance, 1/2 tsp Suma, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 gram L-Carnitine, green tea
5:30am- Workout
6:30am- Post Workout: .25-1/2 serving Results and Recovery formula, 1/2 scoop whey protein, 1/2 tsp Suma, 1tsp glutamine.
7:00am- Breakfast: 40 grams oats, 2 cups of mixed berries, 1 cup egg whites with one whole egg (spinach omelet with salsa on top), black coffee, multi vitamin, D3, Super B-Complex, Fish Oil, CLA.
11:30am- Lunch: Chicken salad (6.5oz chicken breasts, as many veggies as i want (i am talking a ton!), 1/4 avocado.
2:30pm- Snack: 100 grams sweet potato, 1 can tuna, 1 cup broccoli, green tea
5:30pm- Snack: 1 scoop Shakeology, 1/2 scoop whey, 1/2 tsp Suma, 113g of cottage cheese, 1 TBSP of Natural Peanut Butter, 6 raw almonds, water, and ice.
7:30pm- Dinner: 8-9oz of Tilapia, 1/4 avocado, a giant plate of veggies (as much as i want), Super B-Complex, Fish Oil, CLA, L-Carnitine, Green Tea.
10:00pm- Bed.
Estimated: 2000 calories 230g protein/ 170 grams carbs/ 52 grams fat
- rest days are similar but contain less carbs*
Here are the supplements i will be using.
- Whey Protein
- Shakeology
- Results & Recovery Formula
- Energy & Endurance
- Suma Root Powder
- Glutamine Powder
- Multi Vitamin
- D3
- Super B-Complex
- Fish Oil
- L-Carnitine
- Green Tea
Finally we get to the program! below is the 13 week HYBRID! notice that week 13 is ALL OUT HELL! (theres a little Shaun t In Me :)
I want to here your guys feed back! let me know if you will be joining me and also join our Facebook accountability group here!
Let me know if you guys have any questions!
Beast/ Asylum 1+2 HYBRID
Week 1
Day 0- Take the Asylum Vol. 1 Athletic Performance Test and Record your results!
Mon: Build Chest & Tris/ 10 min trainer Abs
Tues: Speed & Agility
Wed: Build Back & Bis/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Build Shoulders/ Ab Shredder
Fri: Build Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Game Day
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 2
Mon: Build Chest & Tris/ 20-12 Abs (one on one video)
Tues: X Trainer
Wed: Build Back & Bis/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Bulk Shoulders/ Pure Contact
Fri: Bulk Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Championship + SDOT
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 3
Week 3
Mon: Build Chest & Tris/ 10 min trainer Abs
Tues: Power Legs
Wed: Build Back & Bis/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Build Shoulders/ Ab Shredder
Fri: Build Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Strength
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 4 (Transition Week)
Mon: Beast Total Body/ Beast Abs
Tues: Back and 6 Pack/ Pure Contact
Wed: X Trainer
Thurs: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Fri: Back To Core/ Ab Shredder
Sat: Speed & Agility
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 5
Mon: Bulk Chest/ 20-12 Abs (one on one video)
Tues: Vertical Plyo
Wed: Bulk Back/ 10 Min Trainer Abs
Thurs: Game Day
Fri: Bulk Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Bulk Shoulders/ Bulk Arms
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 6
Mon: Bulk Chest/ Ab Shredder
Tues: Power Legs
Wed: Bulk Back/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Upper Elite
Fri: Build Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Build Shoulders/ Bulk Arms
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 7
Mon: Bulk Chest/ 10 Min Trainer Abs
Tues: Vertical Plyo
Wed: Bulk Back/ Beast Abs
Thurs: X Trainer
Fri: Bulk Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Build Shoulders/ Bulk Arms
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 8 (transition Week)
Mon: Strength
Tues: Speed & Agility
Wed: Upper Elite
Thurs: Back & 6 Pack/ Pure Contact
Fri: Beast Total Body/ Ab Shredder
Sat: Championship + SDOT
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 9
Mon: Build Chest and Tris/ 20-12 Abs (one on one video)
Tues: X Trainer
Wed: Build Back and Bis/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Build Shoulders/ Ab Shredder
Fri: Build Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Game Day
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 10
Mon: Bulk Chest/ Ab Shredder
Tues: Vertical Plyo
Wed: Bulk Back/ 10 Min Trainer Abs
Thurs: Speed & Agility
Fri: Bulk Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Bulk Shoulders/ Bulk Arms
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 11
Mon: Build Chest and Tris/ 20-12 Abs (one on one video)
Tues: Speed & Agility
Wed: Build Back and Bis/ Beast Abs
Thurs: Build Shoulder/ Ab Shredder
Fri: Build Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Championship + SDOT
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 12
Mon: Bulk Chest/ Ab Shredder
Tues: Power Legs
Wed: Bulk Back/ 10 Min Trainer Abs
Thurs: X Trainer
Fri: Bulk Legs/ Power 90 Ab Ripper 200
Sat: Bulk Shoulders/ Bulk Arms
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice)
Week 13 (Last week AKA- Brutal Week! Finish Strong! AND UP YOUR CALORIES! YOU WILL NEED TOO!)
Tues: Vertical Plyo/ Overtime
Wed: Beast Total Body/ Lucky 7
Thurs: Power Legs/ Ab Shredder
Fri: Game Day/ Overtime
Sat: Championship + SDOT
Sun: Yoga/ Rest/ Stretch (your choice YOU FREAKING EARNED IT)
Final Day- Take the Asylum Vol. 1 Athletic Performance Test and Record your results! Did you improve?
Final Day- Take the Asylum Vol. 1 Athletic Performance Test and Record your results! Did you improve?
Congratulations You Finished!
NOW DO A RECOVERY WEEK! and have a couple treat meals, you certainly earned it :)
NOW DO A RECOVERY WEEK! and have a couple treat meals, you certainly earned it :)