
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Get P90X3 NOW!

The day has finally come guys! 2 years after P90X2 has been released now P90X3 is finally here and it is a whole new ball game! lets get to talking about what this program is and how it will change your life :)






More about P90X3?


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Focus T25 and Body Beast Hybrid

You were asking so i delivered! Here is my personal Developed Hybrid with T25 and Body Beast! First off i want to say this is not a hybrid where you do two workouts a day, nope i am not a fan of more than one workout daily so this hybrid will be a lot different from other ones you may have already found that have you doing T25 in the morning and beast at night, that is just overkill IMO.
So im sure your asking then- "so on the days with T25, is that the only workout we do?"
the answer is if the schedule only calls for one workout then follow it! Focus T25 is intense! when you push hard for straight 25 min with no breaks it will destroy you when you do it right, and honestly thats all you need for the day! DON'T DO DOUBLES UNLESS THE SCHEDULE CALLS FOR IT!
Ok here is the video that i shot that describes the whole program, once you watch the video then you can continue reading :)

Alright so with that out of the way i am gonna jump right into this, first off we will talk about the programs individually then the nutrition plan for this hybrid, also the supplements i reccomend, and then we will discuss the schedule, this will be a long post so please stay with me here.

First off what is Focus T25?
This is the newest program from Beachbody designed by Insanity and Asylum creator- Shaun T. There are 16 workouts total with the Gamma and the additional bonus workout. Each workout is only 25 min and just cause its 25 minutes does not mean it is easy! you should know by now that anything Shaun T produces is gonna be challenging and take skill. and T25 is no different, these workouts will kick your ass and you may even find them more challenging than Asylum! another thing- this is not a full blown cardio program, it is cardio, agility, speed, total body, lower body, upper body, core, everything!!! this may be IMO the most balanced program beachbody has ever developed! so with that said if you dont have it yet, here is where you can get it!

T25 Challenge Pack- $180.00

T25 Base Kit- $120.00

T25 Gamma Kit Add On- $45.00

Now What is Body Beast?
Body Beast is a muscle building program by Beachbody designed by Sagi Kalev a certified coach, nutritionist, personal trainer and retired body builder! Yea Sagi is awesome and Body Beast is awesome! I have done 3 rounds of body beast and this program will build muscle and raise Testosterone like no other program out there. Body beast is built into a build stage, bulk stage, and beast phase where you shed the fat at the end. if you dont have body beast yet i highly recommend it and you can get it here also!

The 3 Packages

The Base Package (Click Here)

The Huge Stack Package (Click Here)

The Beast Stack Package (Click Here)

Alright so now with that out of the way, you probably wondering why if both these programs are great alone- why hybrid?
The simple answer is Hybrids are fun! they allow us to mix up our favorite workouts so we don't get bored! and they can balance programs to your goals too! T25 is for overall health fitness and getting shredded, and Beast is for building solid muscle, so combine them and you have an amazing Hybrid that will get you built, cut, and shredded!

Nutrition Overview
Ok now we get to the one thing that so many people always struggle with when it comes to workout programs. your probably wondering should i do the beast meal plan or should i do the T25 meal plan? well it will all come down to your goals and what your trying to achieve. So i am going to give you a very simple formula to use to figure out what nutrition plan to use;
1. Find your lean body mass (there are calculators all over the web for this)
2. times your LBM (lean body mass) by 15- that will give you a number generally speaking close to your maintenance level
3. determine your goal if you want to add weight or loose weight.
4. to add weight take your maintenance level and add about 200-500 calories and thats what u should eat, if u have been eating lower for this for some time give your body a while to adapt to the new amount of food by only upping your calories by 20-50 a week till you hit your new level.
5. to loose weight you should take away 200-500 from your maintenance level, and the same rules apply here too decrease SLOWLY. that way you can keep a healthy metabolism.
Alright so now you know how many calories to eat but what about macros? Yep macros are next, here is the formal that i recommend to figure out your macros (DO NOT FOLLOW PERCENTAGES!)
Protein- Take your LBM and times it by 1 all the way to 2 grams per pound of LBM i recommend people at least eat 1g per pound but i actually prefer if people try and get at least 1.5grams per pound of LBM now this is something your going to have to experiment with till you find the amount of protein that works for you, i for example take in about 1.75 grams per pound and i even sometimes take in 2 grams, play with it till you find what works for you, i don't recommend more than 2 grams per pound of LBM tho.
Fats- Take your LBM and times it by .4 all the way up to .5 grams per pound. once again your going to have to see how much fat you work best with, i for example take .45 grams per pound of my LBM and i find that works well. If your never feeling satisfied with your meals and you are getting hungry a lot then up the amount of fat your having.
Carbs- And now we get to the final macronutrient carbohydrates- this is where you take the remaining calories that are left and then you fill the remaining with carbs so for example if a 180lb guy is eating 3000 calories and he eats  270grams protein, 81 grams of fat, then he would be eating 1809 calories from protein and fats so then he takes 3000 and minus 1809 which gives him 1,191 calories for carbs so then to convert that to carbs divide that by 4 (4 calories in a gram of carbs) and that gives him 297 grams for carbohydrates, so his total macros would be something like 270g protein, 80 grams fat, and 300 grams of carbs.
Now if your still with me and not lost you should by now know how many calories you will be taking in each day and also what your macros should be, if not feel free to message me and i can help you figure it out ;)

Now we can get to the supplements, i'm gonna make it simple and give you a list of what i recommend for when going through the program.
1. Shakeology- no meal plan would be complete without it.
2. Whey protein- this is another staple that everyone should have for post workout
3. A quality recovery drink like the P90X Results and Recovery Formula, you could also you Fuel Shot from the body beast line too as long as you get something with a carb to protein ratio of 4:1 or 4:2
4. BCAA's - Branch Chain amino acids, just by the powder in bulk and add 5-10 grams to your pre workout, and 5-10 grams post workout.
5. Creatine- This is optional but i highly recommend it, creatine will help you recover better from workouts and also give you more strength during your workout, i recommend 3-5 grams pre workout and another 3-5 grams post workout.
6. Glutamine- another one that is optional but it will help you recover faster and it is good for the immune system and keeping you from going catabolic when training fasted. i reccomend 5 grams pre workout, 5 grams post workout.
7. Pre Workout- this one is optional again but i do recommend E&E from beachbody, and for days you don't use a pre workout you can just use some black coffee to get you going.
8. Multi-Vitamin- everyone should always have one
9. Fish Oil- another absolute staple in any program
10. Suma Powder
11. Maca Power - both of those are totally optional but they do help regulate proper hormone functions and help with energy. if you are going to use them i recommend 1 tsp of each pre workout and .5 tsp of them both in your post workout.

The Program
Alright we finally get to the program now! i first want to talk about the 3 phases.
Phase 1 - The Alpha Foundation Build Stage
Phase 2 - The Beta/Gamma Bulk Stage
Phase 3 - The Omega Beast Stage
Yea pretty sweet names aren't they :)
Each phase is a month and the program will last about 3 months

Phase Descriptions
Phase 1 - The Alpha Foundation Build Stage
- This stage is all about your foundation, this stage will sound easy but it will be the jumpstart on the program that will accustom what you will be doing for the following stages, this stage is building muscle, practice of agility, and improving speed.
Phase 2 - The Beta/Gamma Bulk Stage
- This is the stage where most of the muscle will be built, this stage will take your strength and muscle endurance to a whole new level of strong, you thing your strong right now- wait till you experience this stage. also there is occasionally some doubles in this phase but they are not too tasking doubles so thats why i included them, just be smart about it and allow yourself enough fuel. Doubles can be split throughout the day or done back to back, its your choice.
Phase 3 - The Omega Beast Stage
- AH yea the stage with the coolest name of them all lol and it deserves the coolest name because this part of the program is just- as shaun t says- CRAZY! this stage will test your mental, physical, and emotional strength! In this stage you will end up getting into your best ever condition and i guarantee that! this is the only stage where there are some doubles but please be smart and eat enough to fuel those double days, Doubles can be split throughout the day or done back to back, its your choice. when you finish this phase you will be amazed at your results and if you aren't well then you need to look at your nutrition plan because im serious if you follow this, you will be in your best shape EVER!

Phase 1 - The Alpha Foundation Build Stage

Week 1

Monday: Build: Chest, Triceps/ Beast Abs
Tuesday: Alpha Cardio
Wednesday: Build: Back, Biceps
Thursday: Build: Shoulders/ Alpha Ab Intervals
Friday: Build: Legs
Saturday: Alpha Total Body/ Beast Abs
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or stretch

Week 2

Monday: Build: Chest, Triceps/ Beast Abs
Tuesday: Alpha Speed 1.0/ Alpha Ab Intervals
Wednesday: Build: Back, Biceps
Thursday: Build: Shoulders/ Alpha Cardio
Friday: Build: Legs
Saturday: Beast: Total Body/ Beast Abs
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or stretch

Week 3

Monday: Build: Chest, Triceps/ Beast Abs
Tuesday: Alpha Lower Focus/ Alpha Speed 1.0
Wednesday: Build: Back, Biceps
Thursday: Build: Shoulders/ Alpha Ab Intervals
Friday: Build: Legs
Saturday: Alpha Total Body/ Lucky 7
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or stretch

Week 4 (Transition Week)

Monday: Alpha Total Body
Tuesday: Lucky 7
Wednesday: Alpha Ab Intervals
Thursday: Alpha Speed 1.0
Friday: Alpha Lower Focus
Saturday: Alpha Cardio
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Phase 2 - The Beta/Gamma Bulk Stage

Week 1

Monday: Bulk Chest/ Beta Dynamic Core
Tuesday: Beta Core Cardio
Wednesday: Bulk Back/ Beast Abs
Thursday: Bulk Shoulders/ Beta Speed 2.0
Friday: Bulk Legs
Saturday: Beta Rip't Circuit/ Beta Dynamic Core
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Week 2

Monday: Bulk Chest/ Beast Abs
Tuesday: Beta Speed 2.0
Wednesday: Bulk Back/ Beta Dynamic Core
Thursday: Bulk Shoulders/ Beta Core Cardio
Friday: Bulk Legs
Saturday: Beta Upper Focus
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Week 3

Monday: Bulk Chest/ Beta Dynamic Core
Tuesday: Beta Rip't Circuit
Wednesday: Bulk Back/ Beast Abs
Thursday: Bulk Shoulders/ Beta Speed 2.0
Friday: Bulk Legs
Saturday: Beta Upper Focus/ Beta Dynamic Core
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Week 4 (Transition Week)

Monday: Beta Rip't Circuit
Tuesday: Beta Core Cardio
Wednesday: Beta Dynamic Core
Thursday: Beta Upper Focus
Friday: Beta Speed 2.0
Saturday: Beast: Total Body
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Phase 3 - The Omega Beast Stage EAT ENOUGH CALORIES!

Week 1

Monday: Gamma Extreme Circuit/ Beta Dynamic Core
Tuesday: Gamma Speed 3.0
Wednesday: Beast: Total Body/ Lucky 7
Thursday: Build: Shoulders/ Gamma The Pyramid
Friday: Build: Legs/ Alpha Ab Intervals
Saturday: Bulk: Chest/ Bulk Back
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Week 2

Monday: Gamma Rip't Up/ Bulk Arms
Tuesday: T25 bonus workout- Core Speed/ Beast Abs
Wednesday: Gamma The Pyramid/ Lucky 7
Thursday: Bulk: Shoulders/ Beta Dynamic Core
Friday: Bulk: Legs
Saturday: Build: Chest, Tri's/ Beast Abs
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Week 3

Monday: Build Back, Biceps/ Beast Abs
Tuesday: Gamma Speed 3.0
Wednesday:Beast Total Body/ Gamma Extreme Circuit
Thursday: Build: Shoulders/ Gamma The Pyramid
Friday: Build: Legs
Saturday: Bulk Chest/ Alpha Ab Intervals
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch


Monday: Bulk Back/ Gamma Rip't Up
Tuesday: Gamma Speed 3.0/ Lucky 7
Wednesday: Gamma Extreme Circuit/ Beast Total Body
Thursday: Bulk: Shoulders/ Beta Dynamic Core
Friday: Bulk: Legs/ Lucky 7
Saturday: Gamma The Pyramid/ Gamma Extreme Circuit/ Beast Abs
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch

Final (Transition Week)

Monday: Gamma Rip't Up
Tuesday: Alpha Cardio
Wednesday: Lucky 7/ Beast Abs
Thursday: Beta Speed 2.0
Friday: Beast Total Body
Saturday: Gamma Extreme Circuit
Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or Stretch


Monday, June 24, 2013

Focus T25 Is Out Now!

We have all been waiting months for this and it is finally out! I had a chance while at this years 2013 Beachbody Summit to sample a workout and i was very impressed! Shaun T states that he built the program and structured it so that when one muscle group gets tired he switches it to a totally different muscle so you can keep going and not have to take a rest. it allows you to be a able to push hard and get an amazing workout in only 25 min! and Shaun T did just that! this is gonna be a great program! I will be having a review of what i think of this program in a couple weeks but i honestly think it is going to be one of my favorite programs from what i have tried out already. All the buying options are down below, and the description of the whole program is also down below. Do me a favor and pick this one up for yourself because it is honestly a great workout program that gets it done in only 25 min a day 5 days a week! There are NO MORE EXCUSES!

T25 Challenge Pack- $180.00

T25 Base Kit- $120.00

T25 Gamma Kit Add On- $45.00

FOCUS T25™ Challenge Pack
You save over $90 with this pack compared to buying each item separately.
Offer expires July 31, 2013.
Get an hour's results in 25 minutes a day! Trainer Shaun T gives you everything you need, nothing you don't. 25 minutes. 5 days a week. 100% results.
Your Challenge Pack also includes:
Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—the superfood shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results‡—delivered on Home Direct, our monthly autoship program.*
A FREE 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody® Club, where you'll find all the support you'll need to complete your Challenge.

Now onto what T25 really is!
There are two phases in T25, ALPHA and BETA, equalling 12 total workouts.  There is also an additional phase called GAMMA for those looking to take it to the next level with resistance routines.  In the ALPHA phase, you build on your foundation. In the BETA phase  you focus on your core, which will get you those Shaun T abs you are looking for.  The GAMMA phase is for those wanting more muscle building resistance routines and is considered the advanced phase.
Here are the workouts from T25:
T25Base_long_newALPHA PHASE Cycle 25-Minute Workouts:
  • Cardio. 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio.
  • Speed 1.0. Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.
  • Total Body Circuit. Focus on strength and resistance—without lifting a single weight.
  • Ab Intervals. Cardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection.
  • Lower Focus. Focus on your lower-body muscles—the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism.
BETA PHASE Cycle 25-Minute Workouts:
  • Core Cardio. Get your sweat on! This progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast.
  • Speed 2.0. Rev it up with Shaun’s calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
  • Rip’t Circuit. Cardio … upper body … legs … abs … repeat! This is how you get ripped in 25 minutes.
  • Dynamic Core. You’ll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
  • Upper Focus. Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.
You also get some Tools to Make Every Minute Count:
  • Quick-Start Guide. Hit the ground running with this step-by-step guide for how to achieve your best results.
  • Get It Done Nutrition Guide. We make eating simple too! 5 meals a day, 5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep. It’s that simple.
  • ALPHA-BETA Workout Calendars. Shaun gives you each day’s workout so there’s no guesswork. All you have to do is nail it!
Plus, 4 FREE Gifts:
  • Stretch Workout. After 5 days of hard work, stretch it out—and enjoy this one! You deserve it.
  • 5-Day Fast Track. Get a jump start on your weight loss with this 5-day meal plan. It’s not easy but it works!
  • B-LINES® Resistance Band (15 lb.). Burn fat and carve lean muscle faster with our lightweight pro-grade resistance band.
  • 24/7 Online Support. Stay motivated with ’round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
And a FREE Bonus Workout:
  • Core Speed. Push hard, burn fat, and get shredded in record time with the FREE bonus workout DVD Core Speed (a $19.95 value) when you order FOCUS T25 through a Beachbody Coach like me.
Shaun T experimented for the last year to design a program that delivers the same kind of results you’d expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes. He’s pulled out the rest to give you everything you need, nothing you don’t. The result is FOCUS T25 and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results.
Then Theres The Gamma Phase if you want to get more resistance training in too.
You'll get Advanced 25-Minute Workouts and Training Tools:
  • Rip't Up. Strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest with Shaun's 360° upper-body moves.
  • Extreme Circuit. Build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time! In this one, the weights never leave your hands. Not even for the warm-up.
  • The Pyramid. Accelerate your reps as time progresses. This is your 25-minute cardio and strength endurance test.
  • PURE GAMMA Calendar. If your focus is on getting completely ripped, use this PURE GAMMA workout calendar.
Plus, 2 FREE Gifts:
  • Speed 3.0 Workout. Faster pace. More sweat. Serious results. You won't want to miss this 25-minute high-speed challenge.
  • PURE STRENGTH Hybrid Calendar. Integrate the strength-based workouts from ALPHA, BETA, and GAMMA to carve lean, strong muscle from head to toe.
If you get this program let me know what you think! I want to hear from you and your opinions!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My 2013 Training/Nutrition Update!

First off i want to apologize for not blogging for a long time. My last post was about the Body Beast and Asylum hybrid that i designed for mac performance while building lean muscle. I have had a lot of great feed back on that hybrid. Apparently people are loving all the variety it has and apparently there getting results :) Im very happy to hear all these success stories that are coming from people that are using my site as a guide for there fitness and lifestyle transformations! When i started this site way back when i had no idea that it was going to take off like it did! This blog post though i want to update you about my life and how i am changing things in 2013.

I want to talk first about a recap of 2012.
2012 was a very interesting year for me. Prior to that year i did not have a full time job and i was just training and following a strict nutrition plan while still going to school. because of all the time i had i was literally in the best shape as i have ever been in. i was able to get 8 hours at least of sleep every night. i was able to eat before my morning workout which allowed me to build better muscle and remain a lot leaner with a lot more ease. Also since i did not have a day job i had like no stress and therefore my cortisol levels stayed low and maintaining my fitness was a lot easier. well starting in January 2012 i started a full time job as a web manager for a local news paper company. working from 8am to 5pm so with that i had to have my workout before breakfast and i also went to only having about 6 hours a sleep a night. with this change in my life i automatically put on a bit more body fat even with working out and eating healthy because my cortisol levels went up and since i was not getting enough sleep. so since i could no longer eat 2400-2700 cals a day maintaining weight i had to drop them to about 2200-2000 cals. with this job it really destroyed the amazing physique i had built prior to 2012. If it wasn't for the money i would quit this job so i could get back to being in the best shape as possible like i used to be in. well after fighting this for a year now, i have determined that as long as i still have a job and as long as i can't get 8 hours of sleep a night and get a nice big breakfast to start the day like i used too. i have just come to accept that i won't be as ripped and strong as i was back in 2011. i spent the entire 2012 trying to get back to that level and i tried everything!!! so i have to live with it, and now im moving past it. whats in the past is history. In 2012 i did 2 rounds of P90X2, 2 90 day hybrids, 90 days of body beast, 30 Days of Asylum Vol 2 and then finished up the year with random body beast workouts with a little Asylum in the mix,
then ending the year and starting 2013 having a photo shoot, so for the shoot i did a 4 week cut to get super shredded. i had overindulged at christmas and put on 2-3% bodyfat so i had to cut some off for the photo shoot, i finished up my cut and had the photo shoot with around a 5% body fat level, after having the photo shoot i have a giant wake up call. while looking through the photos i noticed that i was smaller now than i was in high school! and that is not what i want. so after looking through the pictures i realized that i have to gain size in 2013 and there is no exceptions! in the past i have been worried about fat gain but i have come to realize that to put mass on you need to add a bit of fat. I weigh less now than i did in high school and it is beginning to really bother me. While Beachbody was a great thing for my health im thinking that it was not the best thing for my body as most of the programs are cardio based. I hate saying that tho because Beachbody changed my life for the better and i will always support them and there new products because they are just so well structured. the main thing im changing tho for 2013 is the ammount of time i am spending training. in the past i have done about 1 hour workouts almost daily with Sundays as my rest day but as i can see that is just not working for me anymore. I need to workout a lot less so my muscles can grow more! I have found that if i workout long i cannot train everyday as my muscles never recover. I am cutting my workout time in half this year! and i also am only going to be working out 5 days a week. Im keeping cardio to only one day a week and the rest is weightlifting/ recovery days. My workouts will still be at 5am since it is just convenient for me to get it done and out of the way before the day starts. I'm sure i could make more gains working out later in the day but i just dont have the motivation to workout after work so i will just keep it to the morning. I want to say- It was a successful year but going into 2013 i know things need to change to make it better in the long run. One thing that i really want to focus on thois year is finding what works for me instead of just going off what works for others. in the past i always sorta copied off what other successful people in the fitness industry do but not this year! This year i will do things the way they work for me and if they don't work i will trash the idea and move on to the next. THAT IS SOMETHING WE SHOULD ALL BE DOING

2013 is here. what am i changing?

First i want to discuss how my Workout split is changing.
in 2012 i trained 6 days a week with one day off every week. my split looked something like this;
mon- Upper body resistance/ abs 1:15
tues- cardio :60 (on average)
Wed- Upper body resistance/ abs 1:15
thurs- shoulders or yoga 1 hour
fri- legs 1 hour
sat- usually a heavy chest workout, or arm workout/ abs 1:30
sun- off

that was my split and i found that it was way to taxing on my body, so i have come up with this split;

mon- Upper body (chest or back)/calfs/abs 1 hour
tues- Cardio :45
wed- upper body (chest or back (whichever one i did not work on mon)/ traps/abs
thurs- off
fri- legs
sat- shoulders and arms/ abs (heavy) 1 hour
sun- off
i am only training 5 days a week now and im only training at maximum an hour, i want to try and keep it to 45 min tho. also my workouts will vary. sometimes i will do body beast, sometimes X2, sometimes Asylum, Sometimes P90X it just depends. i will plan no workouts i will just decide the night before on it depending if it is upper body day, cardio, or lower. I have one rule tho and that is i will hit every muscle group at least once a week. My primary program will remain Body Beast tho for the most part, i might switch out some exercises with others somedays it will just depend what i feel like doing. i could do the workouts without the DVD but i like using the DVDs so i can use them for the timing as the pacing in the video is fast and keeps me motivated.

Further Notes
- I am gonna change up my split every month, so instead of changing the workouts every week i will be doing the same split (changing up workouts/ exercises tho so i dont get bored) and that split will hit every muscle group once per week.

- The next thing i want to talk about is yoga. you might ask why you dont see any yoga? well the reason is because i no longer set a day to do yoga. I still do my yoga tho but i do less intense versions of it before bed almost nightly. I don't do any beachbody yoga routines anymore i just make up my own little 15-20 min sessions.< that is what i have found to work for me(notice a trend here? :)

- I will only be doing one cardio day a week as thats what i have really always done and it just works for me. the cardio routine will be either an insanity (first month only workout as the month 2 workouts are too long), an asylum or an asylum vol. 2 routine. the main thing is to keep cardio to only at max 45 min a week.

- My ab routines will vary like always, sometimes i might do my own circuit (get yours here) or somedays i might do a beachbody one, it will just depend what i am feeling on that day.

- My split is a 5 day weekly split with 2 days off. not too much to be said about that. Taking 2 days off now every week instead of just one.

Nutrition Changes

Alight now i want to discuss how my nutrition is being changed up for this year. I have learned a lot this last year with constant experimentation. I am starting this journey out this year by using the following numbers;
16-19 cals per pound of body weight around 2000-2400 for me.
the body does not care about percentages it cares about the grams pertaining to ones body weight. Percentages work for short term results but are not a good thing to follow for life, sadly i found that out the hard way... im not going to get into it here but if your interested- feel free to private message me. The following are my recommendations;
Protein= 1.5-2 grams per pound of body weight (for me this will be 200-240 grams)
Fat= .4-.5 grams per pound of body weight (for me will be around 50-60 grams)
Carbs= the remaining calories left to add. I will be carb cycling;
sat-high (with cheat meal)
my carbs will vary from 150 grams to 200 grams all the way to 250 grams depending on the day. If i have a re feed day (would be on a friday) carbs will be increased by 100% so around 400-500 grams. If i have a re feed then the saturday cheat meal will be cancelled out then sat and sun will then be low days. If a leptin re feed is not scheduled tho a cheat meal will be happening to reset leptin levels and give my mind and body a break. CHEAT MEALS ARE SUPER BENEFICIAL WHEN DONE PROPERLY.
So your probably wondering should everyone work there macros out like that? well the answer to that is yes and no. I will have a blog explain this in more detail but if you are lean then you can use my recommendations (8% or less) but if you are above 10% body fat then you will want to calculate the recommendations using your lean body mass instead of overall weight. Since i am around 5% i just use my total body weight tho. Also some people that have more active lifestyles will need more carbs and less protein so its just something that you have to play around with till you figure it out but please please please- STOP WORKING YOUR MACROS OUT BY PERCENTAGES! the body could care less of the percentage, it cares about the amount pertaining to body weight or LBM.

Alright i think i covered everything! I might of missed some details but they will get covered in my daily blogs that i am starting up again :D yep you heard me right i am back to daily blogs! they will be starting later this week or early next week depending when i am not busy. Here is the link to my 2013 Workout/ Nutrition journal you will notice it directs you to a whole new blog website. Well the blog in 2012 that i did was not the most organized so i feel this is a much better method! keep in mind tho i will still be posting new info on this site too tho because this is the home site, this other blog is just a workout/nutrition journal. SO STAY PLUGGED IN ON THIS SITE AS WELL. In the coming weeks this site is getting totally re-done i will be updating all the pages with my new diet, new workout split, new methods i use, new way to figure out your calories and macros, NEW EVERYTHING! I have came a long way since i introduced Beachbody into my life in 2009. I have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have fined tuned everything even more since then and my knowledge is at its highest but theres also an endless list- so much more stuff to take in, learn, and apply to life. If you guys have stuff you want to see on the site or workout/nutrition journal let me know. Like always im here to help you! also if your interested i do sell custom meal plans to people and do all the math for them- check that out here! sorry about the plug there but i have to make money to survive :) alright thats is for now folks, keep plugging in daily and watch out for all the new stuff to come!

Peace, Fausey